An Open Letter To The Community
August 6, 2019Archived from original defunct site at www.pupplayarchives.org
I am sorry to say this but the pup play community archives (Website) will be shutting down. There is a myriad of factors including the lack of funds to continue. This has always been a non-profit endeavour and needed the support of the community in many ways for it to survive. Sadly the community has spoken and they aren’t ready for this history to be recorded.
There was lots of volunteer researchers who helped make this a reality and we appreciate your hard work. The information found, dating back to the origins of modern pup play from the 1910’s wont be lost and will appear in the pup play book Nerdy Doggo has been working on for the past few years.
The archives highlighted a systemic issue facing our community. We had over sixty titleholders from all the way back in the early 2000’s to today refuse to even let us record their names let alone anything else biographical because “I didn’t do anything I said I would in my titleyear” or “my titleholder year was a social occasion, I didn’t do anything helpful. I don’t want people to know that”
We cant force people to share their information or lack thereof, we’ve respected every declining and in return community pressure to shut this down has been ever growing. Misinformation by withholding the truth has been a thorn in our community for a long time and this website was meant to combat it. Sadly the community isn’t ready and I hope sometime in the future it is picked up again by another community group.
What’s Going To Happen To Existing Content?
Club, Event and Venue directories are being donated to another community group to maintain, these get accessed almost six hundred times a day and help a lot of people.
Historical factual information is in the public domain, we never have and will never claim property over it. Your welcome to copy it over to your own projects but please credit their original sources like the wayback machine or the author of any interviews recorded etc.
A lot of key information about our community was rediscovered over the years and we have no intention of it being re-lost. The book Canis Major that’s been in the works by Nerdy Doggo with Pupplay.Info are still being worked on and will be contained in it to preserve the information for future generations.
What’s The Plan Now?
Its as simple as when large figures in the community wants to misinform others that this is for-profit when its a non-profit, it just makes things toxic. When bills like hosting costs and running workshops cant get paid, something has to give. While this will be live for a bit longer it will slowly be scaled down and shut down after a few months.
Where To Go to Find Out More?
Pupplay.Info – The main website of resources run by Nerdy Doggo is still around and accessible, free-for-all.
You’ve Mentioned Canis Major, What’s That?
Canis Major is a book that the founder of Nerdy Doggo and Pupplay.Info Taylor Cook and his co-author Justin St.Clair (Plus the countless volunteers who have written short sections of things they specialise in) have been working on for the past few years. Its not a “here is my way to pup play” instead its more of a “Here is an encyclopaedia of strategies, ideas and advice for you to form your own style of pup play. Pick, Experiment or Ignore anything you wish”.
From “alternative pack structures”, “watersports 101” to how to take care of leather pup hoods. Were doing our best to utilise of community research results of over 4000 pups and handlers in the community in 2017 & 2019 who have contributed even if by filling out questionnaires; making it a truly global and community-based project. From highlighting help of the most common fetishes pups and handlers participate in to disproving urban myths with researched facts.
Also keeping the book sold only online and as a non-profit project will keep the cost as low as possible. Any extra funds raised will return back to the community to assist other projects or to relevant charities. Neither author is making a cent on this.
Information will be posted on Pupplay.info as it comes live.
A Final Thank You
For now, thank you volunteers and readers. I hope our mission to educate and be supportive inspires you to rise above the drama in the community and do your best however that may look.
Take Care,
Taylor Cook