2019 on PupPlay.Info
December 1, 2018There is so much I want to tell you all. Its been a helluv’a intense and life-changing year for myself personally and sadly has impacted on a lot of projects, while I’ve been able to get the community history archives onto its own independent website and an interface overhaul on the website, this is still a lot I have planned.
There are some things I am wanting to get on PupPlay.Info in 2019.
- More Journalism – Lets showcase and highlight the great events and work that’s done in our community! This isn’t about one person or one project, this community is about all of us and I’m hoping to have this site to reflect that diversity and positivity in the community.
- A Larger Gear Library – More artisan gear from across the world, levelling the marketing playing field to find what is out there to help you express yourself more of how you want to.
- Larger 18+ Fetish Resources – While we started this earlier in the year I am hoping to have more published in 2019. Pups and Handlers are all on a spectrum of sexual and social and while we have focused more in the past on social pup play, I hope to have more educational resources on fetishes that pups and handlers participate in. I have amassed a lot of recipes of lube, to safety skills in certain fetishes to different ways to get a good shine on your leather, looking forward to seeing them live next year!
- Community History Archives Expanded – While it’ll help speed up and optimise the pupplay.info website to have our archives in its own website, there is still much work to be done.
- Canis Major & Minor Published – I am still working hard on getting these two books finished, but its hard work to release a book, let alone two! I’ve done lots of groundwork with my co-author, have had volunteers to contribute to topics that they know more about than myself, to make it the most informative it can be.
I do apologise for not meeting yours and my expectations of what was planned for 2018 on here, but this doesn’t mean things are coming to an end. Issues on my health are winding down and being managed which gives me more time to return focus onto my community projects here.