PupPlay.Info Post-SESTA
December 8, 2018We Aren’t Going Anywhere!
The Internet post SESTA-FOSTA legislation is going to be a major upheaval for many people in the community and we want to share with you our plans and strategy for moving forward.
SESTA-FOSTA is U.S Legislation, we aren’t U.S based: Websites hosted outside of the states have other protections, the U.S do not own the internet, they can shut down sites within their borders and luckily the main source of code for pupplay.info is overseas, the worst the U.S government can do is shut down our cloud-caching services that speed it up for different regions, so worst that can happen is the site gets a little slower for U.S users but so far that is unlikely.
Social Media is going through a Paradigm Shift, We Aren’t Panicking: While yes, we totally agree whats happening is unfair and if we had a fair say, id say reinstate the full powers of Article 230. But complaining wont help anyone. We are still planning to continue to promote our resources on social media, our content already has zero explicit sexual content so our Tumblr blog will survive, we may have to change how we use Facebook if they continue on their sex warpath, and probably will have more focus on sites like Fetlife and Twitter but the website itself will continue to be our main focus. Social media is only a tool and no service online is meant to last forever, times change and so must we if we want to stay relevant.
If we have to shut down any of our social media profiles, we will let you know but so far, we aren’t
Were still going to be around, were still going to make content and resources for the pup play community!