Fun Ways to Pup Out
June 10, 2016Written by Pup Pixel on Tumblr
Yesterday I was asked for some ideas of fun ways to pup out, I listed a few things that I like to do and asked other puppies to add there ideas to the list. This is what we have so far. What have we missed puppies, what other activities do you like?
My activities:
- Barking at things (especially mirror puppy)
- Playing find the toy, have someone hide it in the house and hunt it down
- Pass the ball, use your paws to bat a ball around (actually harder than you’d think when wearing mitts)
- Header the ball (also pretty hard when wearing a hood, you tend to have a limited field of view)
- Nomming people (maybe that’s just me, but I like to nom people lots!)
Nobley’s activities – gayboykink
- Make a comfy puppy bed by dragging blankets and pillows, preferably next to bf’s feet or close to the radiator when it’s cold and take a little rest there.
- Hunting the bedroom for lost undies or drying laundry to get something to chew on, preferably jockstraps or bf’s socks/undies.
- Annoy the cat. Always annoy the cat.
Tesla’s activities – puptesla
- Chase the cats.
- I also nom Sir.
- My favorite is Sir giving me a bath. He likes to be mean and tease me.
Luna’s activities – lunathedommepup
- I LOVE to wrestle and chase/get chased by my biodogs. They see me grab my neoprene mask and immediately go nuts. We play fetch and tug and sometimes one will stick their face in my pup mouth! It’s a blast!
Scout’s activities – scoutpupp
- Chew underwear is a good’n
- Licking people
- But the BEST thing about being a pup is..
- WAITING FOR THE POSTMAN!!!!!!! – We have a very understanding postman :3
Chubthumper’s activities – chubthumper
- I tend to lick people.
- Pouncing other animals is always fun.
- Attack the bottle is awesome.
- Cuddle piles are the greatest thing ever!