How did you get your puppy name? Where can I find one that will fit me?
May 16, 2016[box]BPJ Says: I made my own pup name up im from Australia so i come up with australis i left it for a few days to see what my inner pup thought and my sir and alpha loved it but think of something you like and meditate on it ruff[/box]
[box]RYG Says: from the Japanese Gekido meaning Wrath an RP character I created a while back[/box]
[box]EFC Says: My is my nickname that I go by now more often than even my biological name. (Kyo is my pup name)[/box]
[box]MR Says: So far I shortened my name from Miguel = Miggy = Migi colonthree emoticon Also I happen to study Japanese; “migi” means “right” in opposition to “left.” I’m right-handed~ And I put most of my hankies to my right pocket~ lol[/box]
[box]RCC Says: I’ve had a variety of pup names. Generally when I am with a Handler, it’s a D/s relationship of some sort and they like to pick a name. Otherwise I go by an online nickname I use on certain social media websites.[/box]
[box]GP Says: I go by Bully cuz I identify as a pitbull![/box]
[box]TO Says:Took me a year to find mine. Orion Sirius here.[/box]
[box]JP Says: It should reflect who you are or an interest most of the time but there’s no rule either …[/box]
[box]RS Says: I named myself[/box]
[box]NG Says: I love to draw and am a graphic designer so my Sir named me Graphite.[/box]
[box]XSS Says: I got my pup name Xena from Xena the warrior princess because I am a German Shepherd Dog and they are warriors of war and we fight for what is right.[/box]
[box]JG Says: I got my Pup name Titan from a good friend who I was very protective of him in school he named me Titan for protecting him from bullies[/box]
[box]MS Says: I’m a pug. There have been several instances of my bio-dog and I sharing personality quirks.[/box]
There are a number of ways that a person can find their pup name. It can be found through a handler determining a name for you through your personality, such as the pup here who said that he was called Graphite because he draws, and does graphic design. Some pups choose their own names, such as myself. I named myself Jay because it was a shortened version of my actual name, as well as being a nickname that many people called me. If you haven’t found a name, just wait, as there’s no point in rushing to find a name that doesn’t suit you ^-^