A Deaf Pup? Meet Nightmare!

A Deaf Pup? Meet Nightmare!

March 29, 2016 Off By Community Articles

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Complete article can be found at http://www.mindlesslybrilliant.com/2015/12/a-deaf-pup-id-like-you-to-meet-nightmare/

I’m an emerging Deaf puppy exploring the world of leather and it’s been a wild ride so far.

The conversations I’ve had, the people I’ve met and the experiences will shape puppy into who he is supposed to be but I’ll say this, people aren’t sure what to make of me at first. “How will we communicate?” “How is he able to participate? bark? mosh?” are all questions I’ve encountered and there is and always will be a way around barriers. I believe that the leather and puppy communities are the most encouraging and accepting when it comes to Deaf and hard of hearing people, they embrace and welcome us into their fold which I’m forever appreciative for that.

To summarize it up fully, I’m still very much an novice and will learn from others as they learn from me and what I have to offer. I’m eager, playful, impulsive which I think is all good traits in a emerging leather puppy, it means I take trust and obedience to heart and hope to someday be an faithful dog and to run for a title. Bring the winds of change and show others that we can do it just as well even though we can’t just hear as well as you can.

Pup Nightmare 

Here is our conversation following reading this beautiful self discovery


Being deaf, what’s the first thing you noticed at your first mosh?


That the others were tentative about getting too close or hurting me. They did welcome me but were careful with their actions.


What sense is your most heightened sense?


That would be my sense of smell, it’s why I love to sniff others, otherwise it’s how I remember certain people or pups by their scent


Talking smell, close your eyes and think of the first time you smelled leather, what’s the one word that come to mind?


Joy. It’s what I initially thought the first time, it was like something had awakened inside me.


You’ve been exploring your bark which I love puppy, don’t change it, it’s who you are, but because you have no way of hearing a bark, what do you think of when you think the word bark?


I think of it as deep, warm, aggressive.


Arf…since you don’t hear them, every bark is unique and different for each puppy out there. No two barks are alike…


That’s certainly true.

Read the complete article at http://www.mindlesslybrilliant.com/2015/12/a-deaf-pup-id-like-you-to-meet-nightmare/
