Author: Thumper

Thumper discovered pup play by accident after a sexy San Francisco muscle bear told him, "Well aren't you the cutest pup!" It didn't take long for Thumper to begin making connections with his interests to the wider world of pup play. He's been involved in producing kink/fetish content for eight years (you may know him as Saltlakefootman) and sees himself as becoming a kink ambassador. "I think when people look at kink," he says, "they see all this gear or extreme behavior and get a little freaked out. My kink friends are some of the sweetest, kindest and most fun people I know!" Thumper loves attending the Chicago Puppy Patrol moshes, bar nights and other events. While orange isn't quite his fetish color (coral is his, for feet) it's the closest he could get and he's always open to learning and growing. Currently he works in the mental health field and loves using his skills to help people explore how fun kink can be!
August 1, 2017 Off


By Thumper

“Some men just want to watch the world burn…” This has been the sad reality of the puppy community. I’ve…

June 21, 2017 Off

Bring Them In

By Thumper

Have you ever been new before? It’s kind of terrifying and at the same time exciting. You build yourself up…