2017 Nerdy Doggo Survey FAQ
April 11, 2017[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text background_layout=”light” border_style=”solid” module_alignment=”left” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial” _builder_version=”3.0.75″]
2017 Nerdy Doggo Survey FAQ Page
This is turning into the worlds largest and most in depth research project about pup play, as of half way through we have already reached 1,500 submissions! There are many reasons we are conducting this large scale research project, here is a comprehensive list of what our objectives are:
- To help inspire future research in the academic community about the pup play community.
- To help inform workshop creators to help provide resources and topics that are the most helpful in the community.
- To create the first major comprehensive quantitative research to be publicly viewable by the entire community.
- To see what topics are popular amongst the community to steer the direction of the pupplay.info resource and advice creation.
Information Release
We plan to release a series of surveys throughout the year, at the end of August 2017 , all survey segments will be closed, data collated and early 2018 the entirety of results will be published.
We will be releasing the results as an academic paper and then later combined in with future articles and other projects planned. Raw data that could be traced back to an individual will not be released and what will be released, will be designed so no specific individual can be traced.
Privacy & Security
We will NOT be making the raw data publicly available, this is to ensure the privacy of participants and no data released will be capable of being traced back to specific individuals. We DO NOT collect usernames, email addresses or account information. Your privacy is our top priority, which is why every individual result will stay anonymous
We have upgraded not only the pupplay.info website but have also made sure the form system we use has SSL certification. This is a form of encryption that’s end-to-end in a nutshell, making sure no one is listening in or stealing information. To make sure that this encryption is used, make sure the urls begin with https:// if your browser is up to date, it will tell you if the page your looking at is secure by saying “secure” or showing a padlock icon depending on your OS.
Professional Data Miners have volunteered to help us sift through the data to give meaningful statistical results and will be under legally bound Non-Disclosure Agreements and will not be allowed to share information outside of the final published report that will be publicly available to all.
Developed by the Community
Main reason we are bringing the survey out in a series than one really long survey, is so your feedback, ideas and question requests can be considered, we will be releasing sections all year and will regularly check and monitor feedback on the site and on social media. If you have an idea or some feedback, don’t hesitate to ask us. If it is as unbiased as possible, there is a good chance it will go into the future parts.
Canis Major: An Exploration of Pup Play

Draft Book Cover
We have created this book not to be a “this is what pup play is and is not” but more of a “this is the diversity in the pup play community, we hope this inspires you” A book of ideas and opinions from across the world from the community to show what its like for parts of the world that you aren’t in; and maybe it’ll give you ideas to branch out and explore new things in pup play?
We aren’t making any facts that aren’t able to be backed up. The 2017 Nerdy Doggo research project is involved as well, helping us put in facts collated from over 1,500 pups and handlers from across the world of all shapes, sizes, genders and sexualities. We’ve also dug deep into our community history, want to learn what the 90’s were like for the community? 80’s? 1920’s? now you can easily.
Part 1: – January
Part 1 focuses on basic demographics and statistics in the community. Information on health and well-being, influence of social support groups and some questions about gear that will help shape the future gear section of the survey series.
Part 2: – Feburary
Part 2 focuses on people who are switches in the community, being a pup and a handler. We have also begun our list of questions about identity, please remember this is not an exhaustive list and we will continue to delve deeper into this topic in future survey parts.
Part 3: – March
Part 3 Focuses on information pup packs, their dynamics and layouts. And exploring interactions and reactions to community events.
Part 4: – April
Part 4 Focuses on asking your personal definitions of major terms and topics used regularly in the community
Part 5: – May (Final)
Part 5 Focuses on final miscellaneous questions about food habits. gear collection & distribution, personal importance of certain topics to you and some final interview questions. This is a lengthy survey but will be the final one in the series.
Survey Part 1 FAQ: January
Part 1 focuses on basic demographics and statistics in the community. Information on health and well-being, influence of social support groups and some questions about gear that will help shape the future gear section of the survey series.
Q: I’m a Handler and a Pup. But you only let me pick one?
A: Switches are an important part of the community, and they aren’t left out! There is a whole survey section coming soon that focuses on just switches in the community. If you want to, you can fill it out twice; once for your pup side, another for your handler side. (This is why we haven’t restricted you to only one entry)
Q: You ask about gear but not how important it is to me?
A: None of these questions are designed to attack anyone, yes there are some very opinionated people in the community about gear, That is why the part 1 questions were kept objective and unbiased. Future parts of the survey when released will focus on more subjective opinions and diversity of ideas about gear in the community.
Q: [Inset Question Here] is biased, you shouldn’t assume “this” is important.
A: Questions have been designed to be objective, to ask factual values and this way, opinions and bias are removed as much as possible. I’m sorry you feel that this survey is biased towards one way or another but It isn’t designed or intended to put any divide in the community. I’m sure this will become more apparent throughout later in the survey series.
Survey Part 2 FAQ: February
Part 2 focuses on people who are switches in the community, being a pup and a handler. We have also begun our list of questions about identity, please remember this is not an exhaustive list and we will continue to delve deeper into this topic in future survey parts.
Q: [Inset Question Here] is in the survey, but it isn’t as important as asking about [Inset Question Here].
A: If we put in every question we had, it would take a very long time to fill out. To keep these surveys at a reasonable size, we are have broken up major topics to be spread through future survey versions. The order of questions does NOT mean something in more important, its just a matter of pacing everything throughout the year.
Survey Part 3 FAQ: March
Part 3 Focuses on information pup packs, their dynamics and layouts. And exploring interactions and reactions to community events.
No new issues or questions have arisen so far. If you have a pressing matter that this survey part hasn’t explained properly. Please contact us by clicking Submissions in the top menu bar.
Survey Part 4 FAQ: April
Part 4 Focuses on asking your personal definitions of major terms and topics used regularly in the community
No new issues or questions have arisen so far. If you have a pressing matter that this survey part hasn’t explained properly. Please contact us by clicking Submissions in the top menu bar.
Survey Part 5 FAQ: May
Part 5 Focuses on final miscellaneous questions about food habits. gear collection & distribution, personal importance of certain topics to you and some final interview questions. This is a lengthy survey but will be the final one in the series.
Q: You have listed gear and want me to list how many of each type i own currently. But I down own any at all? what do I do?
A: We encourage you to place a 0 or skip the question, both answers will be counted as not owning any.
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Brand new as a pup. Lost?